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Merax Twin Over Full Bunk Bed with Drawers and Slide

Maximize Space and Fun with Merax Solid Wood Twin Over Full Bunk Bed - Complete with Drawers, Storage, Slide, and No Box Spring Needed in White!

- Sturdy construction: Made from solid wood, this bunk bed is durable and can withstand the weight of both children and adults. The bed is designed to be sturdy and safe, with guardrails and a ladder for easy access to the top bunk.
- Fun slide: The slide is a unique feature that adds a fun element to the bunk bed. Kids will love sliding down in the morning, making getting out of bed more enjoyable. The slide can also be removed if needed, providing flexibility in the design.

The Merax Solid Wood Twin Over Full Bunk Bed with Drawers, Storage and Slide is an excellent solution for families with limited space. The bunk bed is made of high-quality solid wood, ensuring durability and stability. The bed comes in a beautiful white finish that will complement any decor. The bunk bed features a twin bed on top and a full bed on the bottom, making it ideal for siblings or sleepovers. The bed also includes drawers and storage space, providing ample space for clothes, toys, and other essentials. Additionally, the bed features a slide, adding an element of fun to bedtime. Overall, the Merax Solid Wood Twin Over Full Bunk Bed with Drawers, Storage and Slide is a fantastic choice for families in need of a space-saving and functional sleeping solution.