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Twin-Over-Full Bunk Bed with Storage and Slide

Maximize Your Space with the Cotoala Twin Over Full Bunk Bed - Featuring 2 Drawers, Slide, and Shelves for Ultimate Storage and Convenience!

- Sturdy and durable: Made from high-quality wood, the Cotoala Twin Over Full Bunk Bed is designed to be sturdy and durable. It can support up to 400 pounds, making it suitable for both kids and adults.
- Easy assembly: The bunk bed is easy to assemble and does not require a box spring. This makes it a convenient option for those who want to save time and money on assembly and additional purchases.

The Cotoala Twin Over Full Bunk Bed is the perfect solution for those looking to maximize space in their bedroom. With its clever design, this bed features two drawers, a slide, and shelves, providing ample storage for clothes, toys, and other essentials. The wooden bedframe is sturdy and durable, ensuring both kids and adults can sleep soundly. The ladder makes it easy to climb up to the top bunk, while the slide adds a fun element for kids. Plus, the bed does not require a box spring, making assembly quick and easy. With its space-saving design and practical features, the Cotoala Twin Over Full Bunk Bed is a must-have for any home.