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Merax Multifunction Twin-Over-Full Bunk Bed with Storage and Slide

Maximize Space and Functionality with the Merax Twin-Over-Full Stairway Bunk Bed: Featuring Storage, Drawers, Slide, Ladder and Guardrail in Sleek Grey Design - No Box Spring Needed!

- No box spring needed: The Merax Twin-Over-Full Stairway Bunk Bed is designed to be used without a box spring. This means that you can save money on a box spring and use the space under the bed for storage.
- Stylish and durable: The bed is made from high-quality materials and has a stylish grey finish that will complement any decor. It is also designed to be durable and long-lasting, so you can be s

The Merax Twin-Over-Full Stairway Bunk Bed is a multifunctional piece of furniture that is perfect for families with limited space. The bed comes with a built-in staircase that leads to the top bunk, making it easy and safe for kids to climb up and down. The staircase also features storage drawers that can be used to store clothes, toys, or other items. The bed also comes with a slide that adds an extra element of fun for kids. The bed is made from high-quality materials and does not require a box spring, making it easy to set up and use. The grey color of the bed gives it a modern and stylish look that will fit in with any decor.