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House-Shaped Merax Twin Over Full Bunk Bed with Slide and Safety Features

Experience Fun and Safety with Merax Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Frames with Slide, Guardrails and Ladder - Perfect for Teens, Girls or Boys in a Unique House Shape Design, in White!

- Safety features: The bed comes with safety guardrails and a ladder, making it a safe option for children and teens. The guardrails prevent falls during the night, and the ladder provides easy access to the top bunk.
- Durable construction: The bed frames are made from high-quality materials, ensuring they will last for years to come. The sturdy construction can support up to 220 pounds on the top bunk and 330 pounds on the bottom bunk, making it a reliable choice for both children and adults.

The Merax Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Frames with Slide is the perfect addition to any child's bedroom. Designed with safety in mind, this bunk bed features safety guardrails to prevent falls and a sturdy ladder for easy access to the top bunk. The house shape design adds a fun and playful touch to any room, making it a great choice for both boys and girls. The white finish complements any decor style, making it easy to match with existing furniture. The slide adds an extra element of fun to the bed, making it a great choice for kids who love to play. Overall, the Merax Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Frames with Slide is a practical and stylish choice for any parent looking to create a fun and safe sleeping space for their child.